BURLINGTON, Ky. — The defense team for David Dooley called a computer expert who said computers the victim, Michelle Mockbee, used had accessed dating websites in the months before her […]
BURLINGTON, Ky. (WKRC) – Jurors heard dueling opinions Monday about whether Michelle Mockbee’s husband “ran” a program on his computer that permanently deletes files after receiving a call that deputies […]
BURLINGTON, Ky. — A defense witness shared new information about deleted files and dating websites in the David Dooley trial Monday. Andrew Garrett independently analyzed the computer belonging to Michelle […]
The Data Protection Africa Summit The protection and safeguarding of personal data is increasingly becoming a challenge in the 4th Revolution. Countries around the world are therefore calling on data […]
A Cook County jury Monday awarded more than $11.2 million to a female firefighter who contended her co-workers and supervisors sexually harassed and discriminated against her for the entirety of […]